Biolectronic Medicine

Bioelectronic medicine achieves therapeutic responses via electric pulses rather than via the chemicals of pharmaceutical medicine.  Numerous medical conditions are currently treated by bioelectric medicine, such as Parkinson’s, pain conditions, and cardiac arrhythmias.  Bioelectronic devices can be connected, meaning patients and physicians can benefit from digital health data, with patients having control from their smartphones/watches. As such, bioelectronic therapies lend themselves to closed-loop treatment applications, dramatically increasing the ability to individualize treatment regimens based on a user’s response. Trends in microelectronics miniaturization and software, including data-driven AI, facilitate this and ultimately make bioelectronic therapies more accessible, adoptable, and affordable.

Many physicians understand the promise of bioelectronics, but have been frustrated by the lack of accessibility.  Bioelectronic devices have historically required surgical implantation by a specialist, making them invasive and expensive.  As a result, they have often been indicated only after pharmaceuticals have failed, rather than as an alternative for physicians early in the care continuum.  FemPulse’s unique wearable bioelectronic device is designed to provide physicians a fundamentally new option.

FemPulse has been granted patents worldwide, including in the US, Europe, and China, on its wearable bioelectronic device positioned in the upper vagina – a unique anatomical location for wearable bioelectronic medicine to sense data and provide therapy within the body.

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